Dark Ambient Radio participates in the crowdfunding of C3S, a collecting society for the digital age!
Most dark ambient music producers are not as aware of the copyright aspects of their work as they should -- many seem to not care at all. A nice attitude that suits the dinosaur institutions, which are failing to adapt to modern times' music production, dissemination, and consumtion processes. But independent little web radios have 'to face the music' in the corporate world and bear the unfair distribution of assets.
A ray of hope comes in the form of an emerging new collecting society, which is currently in a critical state in it's startup process. If you are European resident and a music producer, consider to apply for a membership and take part in the crowdfunding (go to http://www.startnext.de/en/c3s, click on the Investment tab, select the number of shares you want -- usually one -- and send the filled-out membership application 'Mustervertrag' to Startnext.de). It is also possible to become a supportive member, if you are not a music producer.
Click on 'mehr lesen' below for some official PR text -- to learn more about C3S.
Though C3S plans to unfold at an European level, the founding process concentrates on Germany in the moment. So the following is in German language, sorry. For the German-speaking, please press on 'mehr lesen '.
Die C3S ist die Neugr?ndung einer Verwertungsgesellschaft f?r Musik und zielt darauf ab die Monopolstellung der GEMA zu beseitigen. Die Zeit ist reif: 2013 will die GEMA eine neue Geb?hrenordnung einf?hren, die das Aus f?r viele Clubs bedeutet. ... -> mehr lesen
You will find these tracks on the coming Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3 compilation:
Aspectee - The Element Nepenthe - The Inner Circle of Endless Slumber Valerio Orlandini - Macerie Mortaja - Hypsoma Aspectee & Sjell?s - Deep Stare Crepuscular - Mechanised Cataclysm Myth Industries & Sjell?s - Miasma Sjellos - Fainting Memory Stephen Parsick - Babylon?s Strange Winterbound - Fearing The Dawn Mytrip - Small Humyn
Exclusive pre-order offer will soon be sent out to all registered users.
There will be silence on May the 18th afternoon since I'm moving within Hamburg. If I'm receiving pomo or demo stuff from you, please change the address in your list: Hermann-Kauffmann-Str. 4b, 22307 Hamburg.
Rules for Taking Part in the DAR Vol.3 Compilation Project
Rule 1: Don't ask for rules, propose them! Don't ask for a leader, be one! Everyone is equally responsible for making this a success.
Rule 2: You may present one solo track. To give collaboration tracks a little advantage, three additional submissions are allowed under the condition that each track is done with another collaborator with whom one has never collaborated before and who has as well officially announced himself/herself as in rule 3. So, for example, submit a maximum of four collaboration tracks or one solo and three collaboration tracks.
Rule 3: You state that you are part of this by posting to the official Vol.3 threadtill 1st of March.
Rule 4: You shall commit your track(s) till 1st of June or they won't be recognized. Tracks have to be delivered solely to me via a file sending service. (Use the contact form of this website to submit the download link). The format should be a .wav file with 44.1 kHz sampling rate and 24 bit depth. It should contain project name and title in the filename.
Rule 5: The title of the release will be "Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3 -- Muzak for the Final Elevation". It's thought to work as a theme and sure: it's a bit blurry. Just let it inspire you. It's not there to restrict you. If you are confused by it, just ignore it. The amount of CDs produced will be 500. Wholesale price will be 6? + VAT, an end customer price of 12? (incl. VAT) should be recommended.
Rule 6: After 1st of June the tracks are being made available to all participants to judge and rate them. Only those are allowed to vote who actually provided a track. You will have one month till 1st of July to make up your mind and put all tracks in an order (give n points to the track most liked, give 1 point to the track least liked, where n is the number of submitted tracks). The tracks will only be marked with letters to identify them and the voting will be done via a website where you can enter your rating (everyone will get a so called 'token', so only one rating can be done by each participant). This way, the vote is double-anonymous. The best rated tracks will make it on the compilation as long as there is space. Don't give hints about your track or praise any track in July, vote silently!
Rule 7: The track length has to range from 5 to 7 minutes. Everything else will be rejected. You are fully responsible that your track is free of the rights of others (especially those of collecting societies). The track has to be exclusively produced for the comp and not already been published or about to be published elsewhere.
Rule 8: Everyone will get 4 authors copies. Each participant is allowed to 'buy' additional copies from the project for 4 ? per CD (incl. VAT / excl. postage, if not sent together with the authors copies) at any time as long as there is stock left.
Rule 9: Everyone whose track made it on the comp is expected to help pre-financing the project with an amount she/he thinks is affordable -- at least the postage to send the authors copies. For 500-1000 CDs, around 1000? have to be mobilized. (Chrematophobians are ok to not participate in pre-financing and will not be bothered with possible revenues that may be collected by sales one day but they will get their authors copies anyway.) On 1st of March, I will prepare a restricted forum area here, where everyone has time till 1st of July to tell the amount they want to contribute for financing (and can raise their sum at any time before 1st of July). Only those who made it on the comp are bound to their bid. Those who spent the most money will be paid back first. I will make sure that total transparency is maintained by sending around an accounting statement every full year.
Rule 10: Be fair, cooperative, ambitious, creative, and do your thing. Keep pushing the limits of musical expression within the realm of the style that is called dark ambient.